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About Jennie Towne, MEd, LPC, LMHC

I am passionate about the work I do. This work drives my dedication to continuous growth, discovery, and learning. This is what I bring with me into each session.

Early on, I had a love of books, stories of the human experience, and a desire to teach. This led to pursuing, and obtaining, a Master of Education. However, my desire to find peace and healing through exploring the mind, body, heart connection led me to teaching yoga. Yet, I was still lost.

My path to becoming a therapist wasn’t always clear.

Like many people, I had some major resistance to entering into therapy. Although I knew the vast benefits others had experienced from this work, I was entirely skeptical that engaging in therapy could help me. At the time, I was angry, hurt, and alone. Deciding to schedule a therapy appointment was a last resort. I didn’t believe in change. I didn’t want it to work.

However, what I discovered was absolutely life changing. Through my work in therapy, I began healing, building healthy relationships, and discovering how to love myself.

I look forward to working with you

Fast forward a couple of years . . . One day I was looking at my life, and realized I was living a life I never would’ve believed possible. Then the realization washed over me: I’m meant to be a therapist! My experiences in therapy were so wildly powerful that I knew with absolute certainty that I needed to share this with others, so I returned to school to complete my Master of Counseling with a focus on Clinical Mental Health.

I am committed to supporting and encouraging the pursuit of healing, growth, change, connection, and joy.

It’s been a long and beautiful journey, and each day I am honored and thankful to be doing this work.

Licensure & Education:

  • Oregon Licence C6993
  • Washington Licence LH 61356613

  • M.S. Counseling – Clinical Mental Health from Portland State University
  • MEd from Portland State University
  • B.A. English from Portland State University

Additional Training: 

  • Institute for Integrative Nutrition -- Holistic Health Coach 2022
  • Hakomi Graduate 2019

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